Sunday, December 21, 2008

Here we go!!!!!

Ok... most of you know of my love for the gym but lack of motivation to go daily. My mom (so much smaller and in relatively good shape) has the same problem. We just don't like to work out. We know that it's good for us and that we feel better when we do it; we just are so unmotivated to actually get up and get busy. Well, we've found our motivation. In mid May, we're running 3 miles of the marathon to benefit several charities. Mom's motivation is financial (she's footing the bill for herself, my step-dad, brother, walt and I to do the race), mine is for sheer embarrassment! I don't want to run at a snails pace:) while my family trot past me. So, January 1st, I start weight watchers again and I started race training this morning. I'm actually really excited!!!!

The second motivation is that once we reach our halfway to goal weight or fitness level, we're going shopping! With my mom, shopping involves a trip of some sort.... WOOHOO!!! I'm motivated! Please Encourage me often:) I'll need it!

There will probably be several posts about this as I'm going to view my quest as a part time job.... sorry if you get sick of hearing about it!

on the way to healthy,

1 comment:

More Than Words said...

What an awesome goal!!! I look forward to hearing your progress. Maybe that'll encourage me too!!!