Wednesday, November 26, 2008


I just wanted to list some of the things that I'm thankful for. Some of these are deep and relatively private, I don't think I've shared them publicly before... I certainly haven't put them on the web!

1. I'm thankful for a deeper relationship with God than I've ever had. My love for him has grown and intensified over the past few months. It's not the oooo I pray hours a day read my bible day and night, go and witness every evening, and pass out tracts to my neighbors kind of devotion. It's just a true friendship; it honestly was developed partly through pain, but totally worth it! I am so excited about the year to come and to see where we go together.

2. I'm thankful for my truly amazing husband. He is my dearest friend and the one that I'll love for the rest of my life. Those of you that know us, know that he has supported me this past year in a way that is completely like him. He's encouraged me to be gentle, loving, kind, forgiving, passionate, and excellent in everything. yep, just like Walt. He's pretty easy on the eyes too:)

3. I'm thankful for my 4 children. Our oldest is our 9 almost 10 year old son, Micah. We are getting to a really cool stage with him. He's so handsome, funny and smart. My biggest worry with Micah is that he is a schmoozer, but even in that he's charming. Next there is the child that every mother prays for, our 7 almost 8 year old Sarah. She is and always has been sweet, beautiful, kind hearted, so funny, obedient, and scarily smart. Nadiah is our gorgeous 3 year old. She is our "class clown" and so so sweet. She has hit that very fun stage where we can really play lately. She loves all things mommy and I love her. Sarah calls her the Evil Genius. Nadiah's super quick! Last but not least, there's Hannah. My baby forever! She's so cute, sensitive, rotten to the core and truly the BEST baby ever. I can't wait for more and more of her personality to come out. She is an absolute delight.

4. I'm thankful that my brother is home!!!! He has completed his 3 years of treatment and is back with the family. I missed him so much and worried about him even more. It's been a little tough reconnecting with a 17 year old, but I love trying.

5. I'm thankful that I get to stay home with my children. I'm not going to lie, taking away 30k a year from any family is tough, we have a budget again and I'm sticking to it.

6. I'm thankful that we've found at least a temporary fix to our church hunting situation. We're done hunting. We're going to continue at the Oaks (9 service and Wed. for the kids) and go to Relevant for their 11:00 service. It's a long day, but Walt and I can heal in peace and serve with great leaders in order to fill our longing for serving.

7. I'm thankful for great friends. New ones, old ones, ones I've found again on Facebook, and ones I'm related to. They have been like life support for me. Thank you to those that read this and are my friends. Your words of encouragement, love and unconditional belief in me has inspired me to be better.... more like each of you and more like Jesus. I am so blessed to have so many great friends. When I was feeling like my work, service, devotion, relationships didn't matter, you are what proved me wrong. Thanks!


SKT said...

Love you bunches and bunches!!!!!

~LL~ said...

*sniff* that was really sweet...what a great picture of you and Walter.

Anonymous said...

I am thankful for you too!!!
I agree with LL wonderful pic of you and W!

Anonymous said...

Go to my blog I've Tagged you...

R and R Stacy said...

Wonderfully the picture of you and your husband. Very sweet! I saw you at the Duck Pond (as we call it) last week. We were leaving as you were pulling in.

More Than Words said...

Hi Erica!

I love that picture of you and your husband. And what a great list to be thankful for. I'm sure you have much more too!!

I totally know what you mean Facebook! I've been able to reconnect w/ soooo many people from 20+ years ago!!!

Okay..I'm a new follower of your blog now! I don't know why I didn't do it the last time!!
